An outstanding change in marketing strategy development is the transformation from planning according to firms circumstances to real satisfaction on clients requirements . this will make firms find out feasible marketing penetration points 企业市场营销战略发展一个突出的变化,是从企业根据自己的情况制定满足需求计划,向真正满足客户需求转变,真正找到企业比较适合的营销战略的切入点。
Finally , the author introduced some experience during the course of the marketing strategy development of " lw " software corporation . the research on the marketing strategy of " lw " software enterprise promotes its development , and is also helpful for other software enterprises with the similar scale and ownership 通过该课题的研究促进了lw软件公司的进一步发展,同时,本论文对软件企业,特别是对规模和经营性质等相似的中小软件企业有一定的借鉴意义。